Pushfleet allows you to receive real-time notifications from businesses that do not have a dedicated app.
Building a mobile app is difficult and expensive. A lot of businesses out there can't afford to do it but they would still love to be able to send you push notifications. Pushfleet is a 100% free app that allows those businesses to do just that! If you want to receive push notifications, just give then your user token (i.e. P4X625TT2) and they will be able to send you notifications via PushFleet using our super simple REST API, i.e. https://pushfleet.com/api/v1/send?appID=A1111111&userID=[U1111111,U2222222]&message=test&url=test.com
Pushfleet le permite recibir notificaciones en tiempo real de las empresas que no tienen una aplicación dedicada.
La construcción de una aplicación móvil es difícil y costoso. Una gran cantidad de empresas por ahí no puede permitirse el lujo de hacerlo, pero todavía le encantaría ser capaz de enviar notificaciones se presiona. Pushfleet es una aplicación gratuita 100% que permite a esas empresas a hacer eso! Si desea recibir notificaciones push, acaba de dar a continuación, su token de usuario (es decir P4X625TT2) y que será capaz de enviarle notificaciones a través de PushFleet utilizando nuestro super simple API REST, es decir https://pushfleet.com/api/v1/send ? appID = A1111111 y ID de usuario = [U1111111, U2222222] y mensaje = prueba & url = test.com
Pushfleet allows you to receive real-time notifications from businesses that do not have a dedicated app.
Building a mobile app is difficult and expensive. A lot of businesses out there can't afford to do it but they would still love to be able to send you push notifications. Pushfleet is a 100% free app that allows those businesses to do just that! If you want to receive push notifications, just give then your user token (i.e. P4X625TT2) and they will be able to send you notifications via PushFleet using our super simple REST API, i.e. https://pushfleet.com/api/v1/send?appID=A1111111&userID=[U1111111,U2222222]&message=test&url=test.com